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5 Tips To Create a Crystal Clear Vision

Creating a crystal clear vision for your WHOLE life is one of the fundamentals in the work I do with my clients to create holistic success. Do not underestimate this essential work as having an inspiring vision of the whole life YOU want is one of the most effective strategies for achieving and manifesting everything you want.

Think about your vision as an internal GPS system and a compass to guide and help you navigate to take the best actions and make the right choices that help you move toward your heart’s true desires. Keep in mind that your vision will change and evolve as you do so it’s imperative to revisit it regularly and expand it.

Here Are 5 Tips To Create Your Vision:

1. Clarity Makes You Unstoppable

When you have clarity you have direction. You are more likely to succeed far beyond what you could otherwise achieve without a clear vision. Think of crafting your life vision as creating a road map to your personal and professional dreams. Without a crystal clear vision that YOU created, it’s easy to end up “anywhere” and you’ll allow other people and circumstances to influence the course of your life.

2. Let Your Heart And Soul Speak

Quiet your mind, tune inwards, and LISTEN to the guidance from within that’s available to you about what you’d love to experience in life and what you would love to do, be, and have Don’t force all the answers in a five-minute moment session – give yourself space and time in solitude to figure out what you really want. This is your vision, think about it like a blank canvas and you’re the artist.

3. Give Yourself Permission To Dream

Give yourself permission to dream big and honestly ask yourself: What would my BEST life look like? What is missing in my life that I’d love to experience? What could be possible for me to create in this world (the world is yours!)? Dare to ask yourself all these questions, and examine your current life to find out what aspects of life require your immediate attention, and what you need in order to live the life you want.

4. Energy Grows Where Your Focus Goes

Internal work is important as everything starts from within. Be SUPER AWARE about where you’re spending most of your time. What is your everyday default for your emotional and mental patterns? Are you in behaviors and patterns that make you take actions in the direction of your vision or are you showing up in a way that will keep you stuck or lead you in other directions? Keeping the right focus is key.

5. Keeping Your Vision Alive

You need to spend time in your vision and go there with all your senses every day. Spending time in your vision and practicing visualization is not a mental activity only, manifestation begins in your emotional body so FEELING the emotions you want to feel and experience is crucial. Meditation, guided visualizations, and a vision board are beautiful and powerful tools to way to get right into the feelings of it.

Don’t let your vision be something you think about every now and then. In your mind, body, and soul, you can make it your reality TODAY. It’s also imperative that you create an environment to support you in where you want to go. Your surroundings massively influence and impacts your future so make sure you spend time with positive, inspirational, and like-minded people to keep your dreams and vision alive.

Begin With The End In Mind

Here is a powerful question for you: Who do you need to BE today in order to grow the VISION and life you want? To go for something more and take action on your dreams takes something. You need to become more and bigger than your fears and whatever it is that is holding you back and keeping you small. You need to give yourself PERMISSION to dream bigger, shine bright, and believe in yourself fully.

What could be possible for you to create if you would fully unleash your brilliance?

I invite you to join my FREE Live Training “Permission To Shine” happening on Thursday, October 6, and get ready to be empowered in unity with other like-minded brilliant women with big dreams just like you. Grab your spot right now and take one step closer to your vision, click this link to register!