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The Power of Affirmations

There is a thin line between feeling low and feeling amazing, struggling, or feeling successful – your entire experience of life has everything to do with the way you talk with yourself. Powerful, loving, and positive self-talk changes your mindset which affects your actions and as you know, your action reflects the results you’re getting.

What you repeatedly tell yourself about yourself and your capabilities becomes your reality, and it works in both ways. From a neuroscience perspective, positive self-talk is crucial to reprogramming your brain. This only has a MASSIVE impact on how successful you are on any journey you take or any challenge you might face.

Are you aware of what YOUR inner self-talk sounds like?

If not, I encourage you from the bottom of my heart to take a closer look and make your inner self-talk an imperative. If you’re serious about any kind of growth you need to be WILLING to dive deep within. You can always use your feelings and emotional body to track back what you’ve been thinking. Knowing your emotional guidance system is a gamechanger.

I’ll give you an example:
When you consciously practice self-talk that is kind, loving, compassionate, and encouraging you will FEEL empowered. You’ll feel light and a sense of expansion, and empowerment just feels good because love and light are who you truly are. Positive “side-effects” from this state are that you’re now operating from a place of alignment.

This changes EVERYTHING and you will know this place because you will be in flow.

On the opposite side:
You will know when your self-talk put you down, tells you that you’re unworthy, or dismisses any of your hopes and dreams – because you will FEEL that your energy immediately drops, your mood follows and you will start to feel disempowered. I’m sure you can relate to multiple situations in your life where you’ve felt this happen.

Your self-talk is a super powerful tool for your growth

The thoughts you choose to think have the power to support and empower you around all your dreams, desires, and visions. When you change your thinking, you will change your life. Your self-talk has the power to determine what your experience of life will be – it doesn’t get bigger than this so fully embrace that you have this power.

Using affirmations for positive self-talk can change the wiring in your brain, as you create and form new beliefs about yourself and your capabilities. In other words, you are CHALLENGING any old limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. You put yourself in the driver’s seat and tell your brain what to think and that will create a new narrative.

Here are 10 powerful I AM AFFIRMATIONS for you to empower your self-talk:


I am affirmations are simple and at the same time extremely powerful because you’re telling your brain (and whole being) a fact of something that already is. On a vibrational level, your emotional body responds to your thinking and you will over time BECOME what you repeatedly think and tell yourself about yourself, your worth, and your capabilities.

This will in turn determine what you’ll create and attract in your life (take this in!!). I speak a LOT about self-talk and affirmations with my clients, and I USE affirmations a lot in customized exercises for powerful transformation. Consider affirmations as treatments to rewire your old belief systems. Affirmations will work their magic if you commit to the work required.

You need to commit to change and the expression of your highest self

When you commit yourself to consciously giving life to a more empowering, loving, and supporting inner voice that encourages you, believes in you, and allows you to make mistakes you will directly start to relax and feel lighter and more hopeful. You will feel energized and your confidence will grow immensely as you keep going.

It’s important to know that if you want to truly LEVEL UP your self-talk, saying an affirmation every now and then won’t create the results you want. Positive self-reflection and encouraging self-talk don’t happen overnight or by repeating an affirmation once. These are skills that require constant practice and deep commitment to working with them on a daily basis.

All this is DIRECTLY linked to the results you’re getting and you can learn to cultivate a next-level self-dialogue that will support you in where you most want to go in your business AND life. Re-programming your mind will in return, upgrade your whole way of being holistically and conscious transformation starts right here. Mastering knowing your innermost self. 

Are you ready to level up your self-talk and get the results your heart desires? 

I have a few spots left for my 1:1 Life & Business Mentorship Programs starting this fall. This is where I personally help you to expand and become who you most want to be. You’ll get customized support to help you to move beyond whatever it is that’s holding you back so you can start to grow the business AND life you really want aligning with your biggest dreams.

What could be possible for you to create in the next couple of months?

Click here to learn more about all your program benefits and book a free discovery call with me before June 27th to claim your spot! >>